Dodonpachi VHS Rip - Highest Public Replay of C-S (Upscaled&Sharpened) - 702,458,640 - by ZBL-NAI
This video is not monetized. The player of this run is Dodonpachi legend, ZBL-NAI. This dude is so amazing he’s on the default score screen of the game. Shout outs to Blackisto for the upload of this run on his channel that I used. However, I have been trying to use this replay on my phone to study routes while playing, but the video quality is so awful I have trouble seeing what is happening. In this re-upload, I have applied a bit of sharpening and have upscaled the video to 1080p (which took my computer
5 years ago 00:52:19 10
Ancient Dodonpachi Superplay VHS Discovered! ZBL-SOF-NAI 710,026,370 (Ship C-S)
5 years ago 00:47:49 24
Dodonpachi VHS Rip - Highest Public Replay of C-S (Upscaled&Sharpened) - 702,458,640 - by ZBL-NAI