Inflatable Garage Aka Inflated Garage (1959)

Iver, Buckinghamshire. M/S of car pulling up in front of a suburban home. Mr B.E. Pursall gets out of the car and opens the boot. He pulls out a green canvas bag. It is an inflatable garage. He places it on the ground in front of the car and begins to open it out. He takes out an air pump which works off the car battery. He attaches it to the battery then begins to inflate the garage. High angle shot of the garage inflating. Narrator informs us that Dr Vivien Fuchs used one of these as a tractor maintenance shed during his Trans-Antartic Expedition. The garage takes shape. The blower is unattached and put back into the car. Mr Pursall drives his car into the garage. Narrator ends with a joke: “we can visualise one snag - what do you do about the jealous neighbour who sneaks out at the dead of night and gives it a good prodding with a hat pin?“ Note: newspaper clipping and advertising material about the inflatable garage on file. FILM ID:93.2 A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ON
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