Jinan 🇨🇳 City Center | The Capital of Shandong Province | China from Above | 4K Drone Video
Jinan 🇨🇳 City Center | The Capital of Shandong Province | China from Above | 4K Dronevideo
Thanks for watching my drone edit of China. Have you ever heard about Baotu Spring and Daming Lake? You can find both of these amazing places in the capital city of Shandong Province called Jinan. Daming Lake is a giant area filled with a lot of traditional Chinese culture. Baotu Spring is a famous place for tourists because of its clean water and well-kept history. Hope you like it!
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My Gear:
Drones: DJI Mini 3 Pro & DJI Avata
Phone: Xiaomi 12s Ultra
Editing Softwares: Premiere Pro, After Effects, Lightroom
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“AERØHEAD - Path Of The Fireflies“ is under a Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0) license
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:
00:00 AERØHEAD - Path Of The Fireflies
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1 view
6 months ago 00:03:15 1
Jinan 🇨🇳 City Center | The Capital of Shandong Province | China from Above | 4K Drone Video
1 year ago 00:07:16 1
Triple Flying Trapeze “InFiNiTe“. Jinan 2024🇨🇳. Chinese New Year.