Dominique Dodge, “Càite Bheil i ann am Muile?“ Cànan nan Teud, Track 5
Track 5 from the recording of Dominique Dodge’s 2019 album, Cànan nan Teud (The Language of the Strings)
This old Gaelic love song can be found in An t-Òranaiche, published in 1879. Three Cape Breton singers have influenced my version: Flora MacLean of Shenacadie, Emily MacDonald of Ainsley Glen, and Jeff MacDonald of Kingsville. I am joined here by Brittany Rankin (song), and Rosie MacKenzie (fiddle, song).
Tha an seann òran gaol seo anns An t-Òranaiche, a chaidh fhoillseachadh ann an 1879. Nuair a bha m