Jinrikisha(Rickshaw)❖Nishi Shitamachi course❖Ebisu ya Kaminarimon✪How to Japan TV

This video introduces the Japanese traditional rickshaw, which is called “Jinrikisha“. One of the charming points of a rickshaw drive is to have fun talking with the driver, as you can see in our video. This time, our route took us through the West Down-Town in Asakusa, along the Kaminarimon, the Raccoon street, Asakusa Engei Hall and the Denpoin. A Jinrikisha is a cart which is pulled by a human. It was used from the Meji period until the beginning of the Showa period as a means of transportation. Two exchange students decide to ride a rickshaw for the first time. They enjoy the many sights of Asakusa thanks to their friendly driver, who is, of course, fluent in English. In cooperation with Ebisuya, Kaminarimon branch
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