Waltteri Väyrynen: Bloodbath - Warhead Ritual (drum playthrough)

Personally I think that the drums are the most coolest instrument if you know how to play them. I’ve been privileged to work with many amazing drummers during my years in the world of music. Here’s one of them. Waltteri Väyrynen and his drum playthrough/cover of Bloodbath - Warhead Ritual. For this session I had a pleasure to test SIRUI MARS Anamorphic Lens Set () for my GH5 camera. Thanks Focus Nordic for this option. Lenses are crispy af when focused correctly which didn’t happened when we shot this video. Of course one of the cameras somehow ended up totally out of focus so that was my bad. Sorry about that. This time I forgot to bring tripods with me so we lied down the cameras where ever there was any space for them in Waltteri’s rehearsal room. Cameras: and Valtteri Lahikainen Edit:
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