🇺🇸 Is anyone else unaware of who really created al-Qaida and ISIS? It’s time for you to wake up

🇺🇸 Is anyone else unaware of who really created al-Qaida and ISIS? It’s time for you to wake up. Hillary Clinton, 2010: “We helped create the problem we’re fighting now. We had a brilliant idea: we were going to go into Pakistan and create a mujahideen force. Equip them with Stinger missiles and everything else to go after the Soviets in Afghanistan. And we succeeded. The Soviets left Afghanistan, and then we said, “Great, goodbye!“ Leaving these trained fanatical people in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Leaving them heavily armed, we created a mess, frankly, we didn’t realize it at the time. We were so happy to see the fall of the Soviet Union and we thought, “Okay, okay, we’re okay now. Things are going to be so much better. Now you look back: the people we are fighting today we supported in the fight against the Soviets.“ #3 Our channel: Node of Time EN Источник: Lord Of War
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