【二米炊烟】Kiwi-Winemaking 釀了一個冬天的獼猴桃果酒,還是和羊肉串最配

※ Please click “cc“ to choose your subtitle language, which is on the “Settings“ at the bottom right corner of the video (If the computer used).※ I picked some kiwis at the end of summer. I turned these kiwis into wine and stored it all winter. Take advantage of the free time in the first month of this new year. Sitting around with family for barbecue and drinking, so pleased~ 夏末秋初的時候,摘了些獼猴桃 釀成了酒,存了一個冬天 趁着正月里的閑暇時間 一家人圍在一起烤點肉串,喝點小酒 太巴適了 —————————————————— Please subscribe to my channel if you like my videos: (如果喜歡我的視頻千萬別忘記點擊訂閱哦~) #二米炊煙 #kiwi #猕猴桃 #winemaking #wine #BBQ #cooking #美食 #做飯 #鄉村生活 #ermichuiyan #haimétkhói #Chinesefood #masak #foodrecipe
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