Solo Caretaker With 55 FOV, 1 Brightness, and NO HUD

Ok, so this was the by far the worst challenge I have ever done by a long shot this took probably like 6 hours to do and was a pain being mostly up to rng on the later floors to determine if I make damage or not So strats don’t change much from the original no HUD clear but with low FOV it makes things so much harder for like 5 reasons 1. IF you are slow at running having 9 Darkness means you can’t see anything there were a lot of times where I couldn’t see anything like literally at all and I would’ve been better off turning off my monitor to see. 90% of the time I had no clue how much health I would have which lead to come situations in which I took too much damage and either couldn’t hear or see my shield has broken 2. Stuns were basically impossible I am bad in general at Warlock stuns but this is terrible I think I had hit 4 stuns throughout all the runs I did with one being in this video 3. Running is significantly more difficult and not even because o
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