HPK’s Guide to Chromatic Scales | A Friday Night Funkin’ Tutorial

Here it is, everyone! My long awaited tutorial on how I make my chromatic scales! Fair warning, that this is my first time editing a video this long, so I apologize for any editing errors that may have slipped through. This took quite a while. For those of you who’d like to skip to certain parts of the video, here are the timestamps! 0:38 | What’s a chromatic?/Examples 2:18 | The Recording Method 3:50 | The Sampling Method 4:55 | Arrangment, and Tuning 7:12 | How to use Chromatics Here’s a Google Document I created, mapping out every character’s vocal patterns for their scales! Shoutout to @Jakeneutron for the FNF art of my sona, and for creating “You’ll Make the Change“, and “My Monster“, using my Steven chromatics!
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