De/L’Internationale (Belgische/Belge) - The Internationale (Belgian Bilingual Version)

A bilingual Dutch/French version of The Internationale performed for the Belgian Socialist Party and released on vinyl. It is nearly identical to the standard Dutch and French versions, apart from a difference of one word in the Dutch portion, changing “Shall tomorrow reign on Earth“ (Zal morgen heersen op Aard’) to “Shall soon reign on Earth“ (Zal weldra heersen op Aard’). The tune to The Internationale was composed by Pierre De Geyter, himself a Belgian, and the Dutch translation was the first of many to be adapted from the French original. Performer: Belgian Socialist Party Year recorded: 1969 Composer: Pierre De Geyter Year composed: 1888 Lyricist: Henriette Roland Holst (Dutch version), Eugene Pottier (French version) Year written: 1899 (Dutch version), 1871 (French version) Source: Vinyl record “De/L’Internationale“ Image: Mural of Pierre De Geyter in Lille, France.
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