Ambiguous Garage Roof

Финалист конкурса Best Illusion of the Year 2015 Автор: Kokichi Sugihara, Meiji University (Japan) На отражении в зеркале пологая крыша гаража кажется рифлёной и наоборот, хотя на самом деле не является ни той, ни другой. Это объясняется стремлением мозга видеть “правильные” формы. A round roof of a garage changes its appearance to a corrugated roof when it is reflected in a mirror. The actual shape is neither round nor corrugated. This illusory solid was discovered by combining two observations. One is a mathematical observation that a single image does not covey depth information, and the other is a psychological observation that the human brains like right angles in interpreting an image. Indeed we are apt to interpret the edge curve of the roof as an intersection of a roof with a plane perpendicular to the axis of the roof.
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