Highland Spokesman - Live at Memory TV 2021

Highland Spokesman Video: Tema Babich, Nick Warhol Editing: Nick Warhol (; ) 11 November Highland Spokesman - Andrei Lialkin’s experimental project who has also released abstract hip-hop music under the name Thelonious Bong. Andrei had been raised in Urals, but then he moved to St Petersburg to pursue music career. In 2020 he limited his instrument range to a pocket synth, a sampler and a couple of guitars and he started to experiment with short loops and make cinematic soundscapes out of them. Visual aesthetics of Kubrick, Lynch and Paul Thomas Anderson is the main source of inspiration for Highland Spokesman when he composes his music. His first LP “Word“ is coming out on Zonned Records on 12 November. You can preorder digital/tape here:
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