Monte Palomar - Caudal (Music Video)

Filmed and recorded at home, during the isolation in the pandemic season, first days of June 2020, Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina ---- Lyrics: “When the veil opens in two, and through it lets me see, the vision grows, bristling through the skin, there is no body to occupy, I unfold in pure intention, endless is the fractal, melts into me, I am the Flow “ Español: “Cuando el velo se abre en dos, y a través me deja ver, se acrecienta la visión, erizante por la piel, ya no hay cuerpo que ocupar, me despliego en pura intensión, interminable es el fractal, se funde en mi, soy el Caudal“ Vocals/ Lyrics: Sasa Fontana Drums : Eric Flägel Guitar: Alejandro Gonzalez Guitar & Synth: Pablo Gonzalez Cura Bass: Leonardo Salani Mix & Master: Cristian D´Alessandro
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