(lyrics in English below)
Magdalene Harer - Sopran | Alex Potter - Countertenor
la festa musicale:
Friederike Otto, Anna Schall - Zink
Anne Marie Harer, Henriette Otto - Violine
Maria Pache, Karoline Stemberg - Viola
Christoph Harer - Violoncello
Christian Heim - Violone
Johannes Gontarski - Theorbe
Christof Pannes - Truhenorgel
Aufnahme: November 2020 / St. Jakobi Peine
Video: Burkhard Scheibe ()
Audio: Justus Beyer
Satz: Johann Crüger 1649 (3. Strophe bei Alexius Figularis, 1580-?)
Text: Martin Luther
Translation (F. Browne):
Now come, Saviour of the gentiles,
recognised as the child of the Virgin,
so that all the world is amazed
God ordained such a birth for him.
He went forth from his chamber,
from the royal palace so pure,
by nature God and man, a hero,
he hastens to run his way.
His course came from the Father
and leads back to the Father,
he went down to Hell
and back to God’s throne.
Your crib shines bright and clear,
in the night there is a new light,
darkness must not overpower it,
faith remains always radiant.
Praise be given to God the Father,
praise be to God his only Son;
praise be to god the Holy Ghost
for ever and always.