
Kneeling snatches offer a number of unique benefits. Compared to regular barbell snatches that start from a standing position, kneeling requires more force to be generated by your upper body. We know that mechanical tension is arguably numero uno as a muscle growth trigger. We also know that to create it, high amounts of force need to be generated. (The amount of force over a given length of contraction factors in too, but let’s stick to the point for now.) Since force is the product of mass multiplied by acceleration (F = M x A), we can say that you need to either lift heavy weights slower, or lift lighter weights more explosively. Kneeling snatches require moderate weights to be lifted explosively. Not only do they generate a lot of force, but because of their unique setup they’re also better suited to more volume, versus more traditional Olympic lifts where technique easily breaks down. Using dumbbells will give your shoulders more free reign, allowing a more natural movement path upwards. On the way d
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