Cumberland Plate At Carlisle (1935)

Carlisle, Cumbria. Titles read: “Cumberland Plate - Merely a Minor wins chief event at Carlisle“ WS. Crowds walking over a field. WS. Crowd. WS. Crowd. MS. Women studying the runners and riders. MS. Man studying newspaper. MS. Jockey. WS. Crowds at the rail bookmakers stands in the distance. MS. Tic-Tac man. MS. Bookmaker taking a bet. WS. High Angle the parade ring. WS. High Angle the horses make their way out onto the course. WS. Horses making their way down to the course. WS. Horses at the start. WS. The start of the main event the Cumberland plate pan with them as they go. WS. The horses and riders in the distance pan to see crowds rushing to the next viewpoint to watch horse racing. WS. Crowds. WS. “Merely a Minor“ leading from ’Newton Ford’ in the straight pan as they cross the finish line with ’Armour Bright’ third. Ws. the winner being lead away MS. His jockey taking off his saddle the stable boy holds on to his reins. MS. “Merely A Minor“. WS. Crowds. LS. The winner being taken into the
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