Jayamangala Gatha 吉祥胜利偈 by Imee Ooi 黄慧音 & JSJG 净世ŵ

Jayamangala Gatha (Pali) 吉祥胜利偈(巴利文) bahum sahassamabhinimmita sayudhantam 魔王千手执利器 Creating a form thousand-armed, each with a weapon girimekhalam udita ghora sasena maram 乘象率兵来侵害 Mara on the elephant Girimekhala roared frightfully with his soldiers danadi dhamma vidhina jitava munindo 世尊布施力降魔 The Lord of Sages conquered him by means of Dhamma giving and so on tan tejasa bhavatu te jayamangalani 祈愿一切皆成就 by the power of this may you be of wholesome victories marati reka mabhi yujjhita sabba rattim 阿拉哇卡强魔王 More than Mara making war all night ghoram panalavaka makkha mathaddha yakkham 微恒欲把菩提
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