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You’ve come for macabre, enigmatic, and just plain thrilling? Hold onto your seat becauseBlank Silver Bullets with Garlic (1999) are about to send you on an unforgettable roller coaster ride into a world where vampires & lycanthropy. This underrated 1999 anime movie has made its mark in the darkest depths of the anime universe.
The centerpiece of this gore-soaked spectacle is a pair of twin sisters, formidable and merciless interrogators who dwell within a land where monsters reign supreme in abundance. They’re extraordinary creatures with duties to keep the delicate balance between our world and the secret worlds of vampires and wolves.
These sisters — whose lives will forever bear the touch of the supernatural — are gifted with an enormous armory of weapons by their mysterious parents. It is ironic fate that their mother is a werewolf and their father a vampire. This heritage prepares them to look evil in the eye.
#anime #aesthetic #midjourney
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