Hello, I am back again with some more advanced dragon’s-teeth tests!! This time with a death-world accurate mixture of biter sizes -- and flame turrets. :)
Each wave of enemies includes:
378 - Behemoth biters
255 - Big biters
129 - Medium biters
Design notes:
Wall #1 - Control group. Not very effective.
Wall #2 - Slightly more effective than control, but easily tilable in the X and Y axis.
Wall #3 - Very effective and easily tilable in both the X and Y axis -- creates corners very easily. Biters only make it about mid way through the design in this test with hundreds of biters. Very good.
Wall #4 - Very effective, but only tileable on the X axis (and when you hit a corner it turns to hell). Biters also have a rare chance to path quickly on the diagonal causing problems sometimes.
Wall #5 - By far the most effective design, but has the
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