Kubera Mudra for wealth and confidence

Kubera Mudra for wealth and confidence. see more info below.. Live session this Saturday, sign up in bio 🙏🏼 Kubera hand gesture: Touch tips of index and middle fingers to the tip of the thumb, ring and pinky fingers curl into the center of the palm. Hold with both hands in the lap, preferably in meditative position. Start with 1-2 minutes and move up to 20. Do not exceed 5min if you have any heart conditions. Mantra for kubera mudra: Om shreem hreem kleem shreem kleem vitteshvaraya namaha. Good luck 🙏🏼 #meditationforbeginners #attractwealth #mindfulness #mudras #mudraswithmal #meditationforadhd #selfhealing #mentalhealth
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