
蒸一笼香糯的粉蒸排骨,煮一壶解暑绿豆南瓜汤 立秋了,终于把南瓜都砌成了墙。初秋的风一吹,南瓜也熟透了,用来煮汤蒸排骨,怎么吃都香甜软糯,入口绵滑! ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. I steamed some fragrant and glutinous pork ribs, and made a pot of pumpkin soup with mung bean to relieve the summer heat. The Beginning of Autumn has passed, and I finally piled up the pumpkins. When the early autumn wind blows, the pumpkins are ripe. I made some soup and steamed pork ribs with pumpkin, which were very sweet, tender and
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