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I made this song as part of my guillotine series.
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Would you like a glass of sweet lemonade,
It’s perfect when you’re thirsty on a hot summer’s day,
It only cost a nickel but it’s worth much more,
I keep the price cheap so I can sell it to the poor,
The Flavor is rich, the lemons grow free,
And just a single sip is refreshing as can be,
I like to pick my lemons at the orchard on the hill,
They have so many that they’ll never know that I’ve been there,
They have so many lemons while the rest have none,
They don’t want the lemonade to be for anyone,
But with a single chop, the juice will flow,
And we can fill our glasses up and let the lemons roll,
And Oh My God, how sweet it will be.
The one’s who pick the lemons are the people down below,
They work their bitter jobs but they got nothing to show,
They harvest all the lemons and they give them all away,
And all their paid is just enough to work another day,
And every time we try to plant our own lemon trees,
The one who own the orchard says “It all belongs to me“
But if we stand together and make them all afraid,
Then we can fill our glasses up with sweet lemonade.
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