ISOLATION ROOMS (11 short experimental films) (analog glitch video art installations)

ISOLATION ROOMS. an experimental video art sequence and a conceptual sketch for immersive audiovisual installations by Egle Saka. ISOLATION ROOMS: A video sketch for an immersive audiovisual installation that explores human emotions through analog and glitch aesthetics. Modified analog video synthesizers are used to elicit worlds of visual errors and distortions and deliberately create portals to challenge perfection and embrace uniqueness. Motivated by the beauty in imperfections, this piece encourages introspection, self-discovery, and a profound appreciation for empathy, connection, and the analog-human imperfections that define reality. There are 11 short sequences within the video sketch, that explore variations of AV projections within a dark liminal space. Analog visuals were made using circuit-bent glitch boxes and various analog video mixers with post-processing in Adobe Premiere Pro. Dark ambient soundtracks are made using various modified field recordings and experimental modular
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