Guitar Techniques To Make You Sound Like A Rock God!

Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, Keith Richards, Eddie Van Halen... They are legendary. They are Rock Gods! In this video, we look at what you can do to help elevate your playing to their level. “Pinch harmonics“ are the next-level approach to your lead playing - They can turn something mundane into something extraordinary. And they can immediately distinguish your playing and elevate your sonic quality. “Tapping“ is impressive, creative, and enviable. Need we say more? By adding this technique to your repertoire you will have taken that next step towards rockstar status. “Palm Muting“... Not only is it essential to your playing but it goes so far beyond just “chunking“ up your sound. There are so many avenues to explore in this regard and each one of them will make you sound better on guitar. “Vibrato“ will add emotion and feel to your playing. It is a technique implemented by each and every guitarist mentioned in this description and
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