Supplemental Oxygen: Fundamentals – Med-Surg Nursing | Lecturio Nursing

This video “Supplemental Oxygen: Fundamentals” is part of the Lecturio course “Medical-Surgical: Respiratory Disorders” ► WATCH the complete course on ► LEARN ABOUT: – Define supplemental oxygen – Recognize the purpose of supplemental oxygen – Specify 2 categories of patients that need supplemental oxygen ► THE PROF: Rhonda Lawes is a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) and Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma. She worked as a nurse manager at the Saint Francis Hospital and the Broken Arrow Medical Center. She has completed her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology at Oklahoma State University. ► LECTURIO is your smart tutor for nursing school: Learn the toughest NCLEX® topics with high-yield video lectures, integrated quiz questions, and more. Create your free account now: ► CHECK OUT ALL NURSING COURSES: Leadership Nursing: Dosage Calculation Nursing: Physiology Nursing: Medical Surgical Nursing: Pharmacology Nursing: NCLEX® Pharmacology Nursing: Pediatric Nursing: Study Skills Nursing: ► INSTALL the free Lecturio app iTunes Store: Play Store: ► SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel: ► WATCH MORE ON YOUTUBE: ► LET’S CONNECT: Facebook: Instagram:
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