Advanced OpenGL - Crash Course

OpenGL can be used to create complex graphics effects. This advanced OpenGL course from Victor Gordan will take your skills to the next level. ✏️ Course by Victor Gordan. Check out his channel: 💻 Code: 🎥 Basic OpenGL Course: 🔗 OpenGL Documentation: 🔗 OpenGL Wiki: 🔗 HDRI to Cubemap converter: ⌨️ (00:10) Introduction ⌨️ (00:32) The Depth Buffer ⌨️ (05:12) The Stencil Buffer ⌨️ (13:31) Face Culling ⌨️ (17:62) Transparency & Blending ⌨️ (22:58) The Framebuffer ⌨️ (28:46) Cubemaps & Skyboxes ⌨️ (34:52) The
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