Forgetting Facts ~

Follow us Over the past few thousand years, we have warped our own history. Our versions of the past has been mistranslated,changed, altered, and skewed to fit our understanding of reality, and completely left out many things that we cannot explain. If all is One, if in essence we are all consciousness, the One Life beyond the myriad appearances, then why do we forget who we are, and identify as being separate, and suffer and seek and try to find wholeness...? We never truly forget who we are, for even the forgetting is actually an ingeniously disguised REMINDER of who we are. Even the suffering and seeking ultimately serve to remind us of our true nature, for it is often only when we hurt, when the pain becomes exhausting, when the longing burns so much that we cannot ignore it, that we start questioning our deeply held assumptions about reality and open up to the possibility of vastness. Even the apparent forgetting of Source is an ingeniously disguised, albeit misunderstood, direct invitation to remember Source, here and now. Sometimes we hurt badly, and sometimes the hurt wakes us up from the trance that we had been living in. In the end, who you truly are has never been forgotten or lost, for it is shining brightly right now, reading these words, understanding them or not, agreeing with them or not, liking them or not, breathing in and breathing out... Enjoy this video and please share it with your friends and family.
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