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Klaada - The Remixes, released March 24, 2023 by Mindspring Music - MSM129
In a stunning collaborative effort between label veteran Klaada and an array of talented producers bringing forth their own renditions of his tracks, Mindspring Music presents Klaada: The Remixes. Join us as we journey to through fresh visions of familiar psychedelic landscapes.
The collection includes reworks from label veterans and debut contributions from new artists to the Mindspring family.
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1. Klaada - Celestial Temple (Looney Grandpas remix) 00:00
2. Klaada - Interdimensional Bamboozle (Incredible Science remix) 06:26
3. Klaada - Voyage Into the Supernatural (Gleekch remix) 12:27
4. Klaada - Teonanacatl (Leo Nordmann remix) 18:22
5. Klaada - Encounters with Other Levels of Reality (Elishman remix) 27:01
6. Klaada - Teonanacatl (Sol8 remix) 32:54
6 months ago 03:32:51 1
Metamorphica - over 3 hrs - Psychedelic Ambient Chillout Downtempo Progressive Psydub Psybient in HD