NIGERIA: Colonial secretary visits Nigeria (1952)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Mr. Lyttleton, the Colonial Secretary, visits important places during tour in Nigeria Full Description: NIGERIA: Various: INT/EXT LYTTELTON OLIVER Captain. M.P. Touring African States - In Ibadan in Nigeria with natives officials etc.. Shots greeted by Emir of Kano. MOSQUE. Shots Kano Mosque in Northern Nigeria. NATIVES. Oliver Tyttelton with native Nigerian civic officials in natives in workshops etc. NIGERIA. . Nigeria salute Oliver Lyttelton in Ibadan with native civic workshops etc.. Tours Kano greeted by Emir.. shots mosque etc Personalities - Politicians colonialism, North Africa, mosque, education, African Background: Mr. Lyttleton, the Colonial Secretary, visits important places during tour in Nigeria FILM ID: VLVARYXFS7E9ZIAKQWB5PBKCE4TH To license this film, visit
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