國樂版《Rasa Sayang》玩轉南洋風情,一起感受愛!

This folk song with a light melody is a catchy and widely spread folk song in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and other time we re-enacted it with Chinese folk music, and the musicians wore costumes restored from the Ming Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty, decorated with frangipani flowers and pearl ornaments with strong Nanyang style. Have you ever felt the sweet love? Rasa Sayang這首曲調輕快的民歌,在印尼、馬來西亞、新加坡等地,是一首瑯瑯上口、廣為傳播的民謠。 這次我們用中國民樂重新演繹,樂手著明代—清初復原裝束,飾以南洋風情濃厚的Ƃ
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