Aiki Ken - Kumi Tachi - Detailed Instruction

Aikido, Aiki ken - kumi Tachi. Detailed instruction by Morihiro saito Sensei with Kenichi Shibata sensei as uke. Pat Hendricks sensei, is the translator. Pat hendriks Sensei, was the first of Saito Sensei`s long term students, to recieve a Menkyo Kaiden (full transmission scroll) in Aiki ken & Jo, from Saito sensei directly. Saito Sensie broke with tradition here, because the menkyo transmission system had not been used in aikido histroy before as this was a old way of transmitting an art from then certifying the instructor. He did this to preserve the Aiki Ken & Jo teachings he recieved in Iwama, from the founder of Aikido, O`sensei Morihei Ueshiba, over a twenty six year period
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