Atomy Ginkgo Natto, Product Sharing, James SRM

Atomy Ginkgo & Natto, Product Sharing, James SRM If you want to buy Atomy Gingkgo and Natto, please visit ginkgo biloba is known to grow in the mountainous hills of china’s eastern province. ginkgo leaves contain high levels of flavonoids and terpene compounds, and are widely known to improve blood circulation and memory . as a living fossil that has been around for 200 million years. has reproductive ability, effective against diseases and pests as a raw material for functional health foods, widely used in various parts of the world to improve blood circulation and memory ginkgo biloba is also known as living fossil, one of the oldest plants (trees) in the world that has existed since ± 200 million years ago, is often used as a mixture of traditional chinese herbs. benefits of ginkgo biloba extract improves blood flow and acts as a source of new blood vessel formation ginkgo biloba can significantly improve blood circulation by widening blood vessels and blood viscosity as well as platelet tissue, contributing to thinning the blood, inhibiting the formation of thrombus (excessive) and no side effects. ginkgo biloba, also known as the maidenhair tree, is one of the oldest tree species on earth. ginkgo trees have very unique properties, they are able to grow more than 39.6 meters and can live for more than a thousand years. herbal supplement to improve brain performance and blood circulation to the brain protects nerve cells from oxidative damage functions as a brain strengthener, very beneficial for dementia sufferers. improves memory and concentration. its ability to stimulate cognitive abilities means that ginkgo biloba is also medically recognized as having a positive influence on dementia and alzheimer’s problems . reduces fatigue, improves learning ability. treats anxiety disorders, depression, hearing loss and other inflammatory conditions. nattokinase powder. natto bacteria powder. is the result of fermenting soybean seeds with natto bacteria. this is one of the world’s top 5 superfoods. natto is rich in nutrients and protein, and probiotics are good for digestion and immunity . high vitamin k2 content, maintains bone health and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. it is recorded that natto bacterial culture powder was used in cheonggukjang (soybean fermentation) in korea since the three kingdoms period. known as the representative traditional food in japan since 100 years ago, the enzyme nattokinase is believed to prevent cardiovascular disease by destroying blood clots.
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