Dwarf Rasbora Breeding Guide | Keeping & Sexing Three Spotted Rasbora | Serendib Aquatics
This video contains about small planted aquarium fish variety called dwarf rasbora or Three spotted Rasbora. which is a tiny fish. Rare, beautiful rasbora variety. we are talking about the main factors of keeping this small rasbora fish, his habitat, tank mates, how to create the tank for them, how to feed them, and how we identify males and females. how this fish variety differs from other small rasbora varieties.
we talk about the feeding and breeding of dwarf rasbora in detail within this video.
we want to maintain a good colony of dwarf rasbora with schooling other tank mates as they are in natural habitats.
this is a beautiful small nano fish that can be kept as a schooling fish in well-planted nano aquariums as well as in large planted tanks with calm tank mated like neon tetra, cardinal tetra, Asian rummy nose tetra, pencil tetra and much more. Maintaining a tank with three spotted rasbora is very important therefore we talk about water changing, maintaining good water quality, filtration system and waste product removal procedure as well as maintaining waste levels without facing any ammonia spikes. Those three spotted rasboras are famous and popular rare nanofish in aquascaping. the most important part is the breeding guide of dwarf rasbora or three spotted rasbora.
#DwarfRasboraBreeding #threespottedrasbora #dwarfrasbora
Video Credits -
Dwarf Shrimp - Aquarium Co-Op
Rasbora fish fry - KeepingFishSimple
Eggyolk Solution - Tyler’s Backyard