27 years ago, on August 4, 1995, the Croatian Army launched Operation Storm, an offensive to retake the Krajina region, which

◾27 years ago, on August 4, 1995, the Croatian Army launched “Operation Storm,“ an offensive to retake the Krajina region, which had been controlled by separatist ethnic Serbs since early 1991. The offensive, which lasted a mere thirty-six hours, resulted in the death of an estimated 526 Serbs, 116 of whom were reportedly civilians (this are the lower numbers recorded, other accounts talk about 600 civilians killed and 2000 Serb militants), and in the displacement of an estimated 200,000 who fled in the immediate aftermath.  ◾However, while the Croatian military committed violations of humanitarian law during the course of the offensive such as the bombardment of a column of retreating Serbian civilians and soldiers which caused deaths among the civilians. ◾In the months following the August offensive, at least 150 Serb civilians were summarily executed and another 110 persons forcibly disappeared. ◾Follow: Source: Fearless John - @European_dissident
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