BARDAK wemakeit campaign

CROWDFUNDING FOR TRAGICOMIC THEATRE PRODUCTION “BARDAK“ The creation «BARDAK» (in Russian & Hebrew - «CHAOS, MESS») is a fairytale-like and absurd story about solitude caused by a catastrophe. We’ll work between storytelling experience of our director Ferruccio Cainero, the tragicomic character «Domovoi» by Igor Mamlenkov and the technique of soundscape by Manfredi Clemente. The technical aspect will help to surround the spectators with the atmosphere of the story that we are writing together with Ferruccio Cainero (Stabio, TI), director of the fabulous Swiss clown Gardi Hutter. The absurd story will talk about an immortal house-spirit that is left alone in the house. An existencial tragicomedy. The aim is to heal and heal ourselves through irony, to make the audience dive into a fantasy world of fairy tales, of possibilities, a surrealist and upside down world, a tr
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