
最近各種奇葩口味的青團一次次霸占熱搜,什麽螺螄粉、腌篤鮮、酸辣檸檬鳳爪......。愛搞怪的朱老師在保留老味道基礎上,摘些細嫩的艾葉在清明節前做軟糯清香的清明粿,和臺臺一起也來點創新思維,快點開視頻,收獲快樂~ Recently a variety of strange flavors of green rice balls have been trending on the internet, like snail rice noodle, Shanghainese salted pork soup with bamboo shoot and tofu, sour and spicy lemon chicken feet… Our mischievous chef Zhu keeps the classic flavor, picking some tender wormwood leaves to make soft and fragrant Qingming stuffed buns before the Qingming Festival. And meanwhile chef Zhu adds a bit of creativity to it together with Foodvideo. Click on the video for a solid nine minutes of fun.
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