Was Homo Longi (Dragon Man) Actually an Archaic Homo Sapiens?

In this video, we discuss the possibility that Homo Longi (Dragon Man) may be the archaic Homo Sapiens. We look at the evidence and discuss what this means for our understanding of human evolution. If you’re interested in human evolution and wondering what the fuss is about with Homo Longi (Dragon Man), then this video is for you! We’ll discuss the evidence for and against Homo Longi (Dragon Man) and decide whether or not this ancient human being warrants our attention. After watching this video, you’ll have a better idea of what the fuss is all about and whether or not Homo Longi (Dragon Man) is worth studying further! Homo longi, also known as Dragon Man, is an extinct human species that may replace Neanderthals as our closest relatives, or it may be a relative of the long lost Denisovans. But it is found in Asia, not Africa. Neanderthals, Denisovans, Homo Erectus, Homo Sapiens, all share a common ancestor. The scientists believe that Dragon Man was powerfully built and rugge
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