HSV, Kernel and Color Matrix Effect component for Unity3d

My First Video Upload on Youtube, Finally i did it. lol So, This is Shader Based Component, can be attached to a game object having Sprite, UI Image, Raw Image, component (component having material, to be precise) it will provide Image Processing filters effects, like, HSVC = Hue, Saturation, Contrast, Brightness, Luminance ColorMatrix = Let you edit the color Matrix manually, with some preset like GreyScale, Invert, Sepia, etc. Kernel = Kernel can be manually editing with some preset avaiable like Blur, Sharp, Edge, Emboss, etc. All effects can be dynamically changed or modified by any script using variables and function provided by the component. More effects will be available on Update if needed. The video wasn’t planed to be uploaded on YouTube, and I’m sorry for bad represntation. Thanks you.
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