Dragi prijatelji baštovani, dugo vremena sam bio u nedoumici šta je sa mojom prvom gredicom krompira. I onda sam rešio da tu dilemu rešim. Kada sam doznao šta je u pitanju, ne bih se setio ni u snu pogotovu što ja to moje imanje ne obradjujem preko 15 godine, a takve povrtarske biljke oko mene ne sade na preko 1000 metara. Kako je to moglo biti ni sam neznam, ali pogledajte ceo video pa će te se uveriti. ANALYSIS OF THE FIRST BILLET Dear gardening friends, for a long time I was at a loss as to what happened to my first potato bed. And then I decided to solve that dilemma. When I found out what was at stake, I wouldn’t have dreamed of it, especially since I haven’t cultivated my property for over 15 years, and such vegetable plants around me are not planted more than 1000 meters away. I don’t even know how it could be, but watch the whole video and you will be convinced
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