PSSM 1630 The machine for making PET strap clips 16x30x1.0 mm with inner teeth serration

Click the above website for more inforamtion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #shorts How to start the machine of PET strapping clips (1) turn the belt wheel towards to arrow direction make sure that the cutter is at the upper postion (2) unscrew the fixing nut and twist off the handle (3) unscrew the outside guiding bearings, altogether four bearings the inner size of two bearings do not need to move at all (4) put the steel strip inside of the machine till to the end the steel strip is pushed along the inner side closely then push the small bearing to lock the steel strip the same at this place where you lock the steel strip along the inner side the same at the place (5) (5) finally screw the screws the and fix them (6) turn the belt wheel to make the first clip manually and afterwards you push the button to start the machine . the end
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