Click ’SHOW MORE’ for full video description and important links - watch in HD
PLEASE NOTE: amount of biogravel required for the biorb upgrades is dictated by the base area, not the volume of the tank as it is used as a substrate to cover foams. Therefore:
15 litre requires
30 litre requires 2kg
60 litre requires
105 requires 5kg
Above figures are based on the ’orb’ shapes tanks - the ’life’ and ’flow’ rectangular tanks require and the foams would be cut to the full size of base.
Biorb upgrade kits: (’Filter Kits’ page)
Biorb gravel cleaner:
Ornament to cover central filter plate:
(to ma removal of central filter easier - less chance of biogravel falling into filter chamber)
How to set up a Biorb one of the most troublesome aquariums work properly?
That is the task being completed in this video and it also shows a unique, highly porous ’Biogravel’.
Feeding frozen and sinking foods is now possible with this upgrade as the food will not be lost under large sharp media (Biorb ’lava rock’). Great range of frozen food here: (select type - loads to choose from)
Full kits for 15 litre, 30 litre and 60 litre orbs and external filters can be found at this link:
The Biogravel and foams are also available separately from
The Biogravel is made of the same material as Biohome filter media (sintered glass). Full video on that media to follow.
I will ship worldwide but to save on shipping costs please check out these links for other Biohome suppliers:
US supplier:
AU Supplier:
CA Supplier:
Apologies for the long video but there is a load of important information to get in there and I really like to share as much knowledge as possible to promote greater understanding of the filtration process.
Check out how to set up an external filter here:
Everything you could want to know about moving bed filters here:
Biohome questions and answers here:
Thanks very much for watching an appreciating the video - please share it with anyone who has a biorb or similar aquarium.
Your support is awesome but as I get hundreds of comments every day I may not be able to reply to everyone.
Contact me by email on sales@ or on 07772848730 regarding biohome any time.
Thanks for watching and appreciating the videos.
Do I need to take the medium/course foam rings out from under the gravel to clean them? (rinse in siphoned tank water, if so how often?)
- It is basically creating an undergravel filter so as long as the substrate (biogravel) is cleaned with a gravel cleaner that will remove the vast majority of uneaten food / fish waste from the biogravel and upper foam so the foams don’t need to be removed unless you want to do a deep clean which I recommend doing every 12 months or so. So far I don’t know anyone who has done that as they don’t want to disturb anything which is working well.
Ideally the gravel cleaner would be used once a week to remove waste from bottom of tank, just as it would with a normal tank - that will remove waste, do a small water change and freshen up the tank.
Do I need to take the fine filter pad out to clean, if so how often?
- That is just like the cleaning of the ’normal’ pad for biorbs. When it is clogged it will need replacing but since you have so much filtration prior to water hitting that fine pad it could go for many months before it needs replacing - every tank is different but most will go 4-6 months before the pad needs replacing. Check after 2-3 months and if you think it would go longer next time just extend cleaning intervals to suit - no point cleaning / replacing a clean filter.
Do I need to replace the foam or fine filter pad, if so how often?
- See above with regard to fine pad in central filter, outer foams should last a good 18-24 months before they lose their ’bounce’ but will still function as an undergravel system beyond that.
If I’m taking out the foam or fine filter pad. Do I need to take out my fish before doing so to be safe? I don’t want to kill it.
- If you are removing the fine pad in the centre then that can be done with fish in no problem but removing the outer foams will involve taking out the biogravel so ideally that would be done when the tank had been drained and fish removed for duration of work - muck could be stirred up when the system is pulled apart so best to do that when fish aren’t present.
Is the air pump that comes with the BiOrb unit sufficient? If not what power air pump will be best?
- Yes the standard air pump will be fine as water flow is not restricted by the undergravel system.Show more