Katja Woermer short summary Day 8 of Reiner Fuellmich Trial English Subtitles

Found this video on Reiner Fuellmich’s Telegram channel. 12th March 2024, Goettingen, Germany. Katja Woermer, Reiner’s lawyer, gives a very brief summary and the next hearing dates. Not related to this video, but from my research, reading and listening to other witness reports of that day: Viviane Fischer was questioned all day, she doesn’t want to give straight and short answers. She also objected to a video being shown, and got all red in the face and said: “Wahnsinn. Wahnsinn“ “Insane. Insane“. The public was excluded, and the video was shown. It was a video that she has sent to Reiner, and has something to do with her husband. That’s all I know. But in any case, the last one hour video I watched, the witness report of Nicole Wolf, at the end, I do not like what the judge says at all, it clearly shows me that he thinks Reiner is guilty. Will dig that out later and translate to English and upload tomorrow. More updates in English at Please support Reiner at
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