Canamii Concept 1980 South Africa, Symphonic Prog

Canamii - Concept 1980 (South Africa, Symphonic Prog) The only album of this project from Johannesburg (Johannesburg). By the way, nearly 4 million people ... All music written keyboardist Philip Nel, poems - 18-year-old vocalist Claire Whitaker. Guitarist-in-law took (husband’s sister), Claire - Paul Woodley ... South African Alan Parsons Project with female vocals, the answer to ELP, Curved Air, Renessaince ... Belated response and not very original ... But while South Africa comes to ... Tracks: All music by Phillip Nel, all lyrics by Claire Whittaker. 01. Afrock - 3:31 02. The Phantom Players - 2:55 03. Spiral - 3:19 04. Rain - 4:01 05. Come And Fly - 3:54 06. Toccata - 4:53 07. And The Moon Be As Bright - 1:24 08. Children - 3:35 09. Feelings - 2:43 10. The Jester - 4:01 11. The Duel - 2:17 12. Tri - 3:07 Personnel: - Claire Whittaker - female lead vocals - Phillip Nel - all keyboards, producer - Paul Woodley - guitars - Mickey Wiotynek - guitar solo (07) - Ashley Kelly - bass - Herman Eugster - drums (01-03,07,08) - Kendall Kay - drums (04,06,10-12) - Tony Moore - drums (04,06,10,11) - Tim Kensella - vocals (03)
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