256Hz πŸŒ€ Root Chakra Healing Meditation πŸŒ€ Unlocking & Activating the Root Chakra

Root Chakra Healing Meditation is built at a frequency of 256Hz. Unlocking & Activating the Root Chakra it will help to cope with fears, doubts, anxiety, worries about the past and the future. The frequency of 256 Hz is the main resonance for the root chakra (Muladhara). Muladhara is the Sanskrit name for the first chakra. β€œMulaβ€œ means the root, and β€œadharaβ€œ means the base or support. We are talking about the root and base of the other chakras, as well as the support from where Sushumna, Ida and Pingala originate. In the physical body, the Muladhara chakra is located in the perineum in men and in the cervix in women.
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