Eisenhower-Macmillan Meet In Bermuda - Predict Unity (1957)

Unused / unissued material - Title reads: “Ike, Macmillan Meet In Bermuda; Predict Unity“. American voiceovered newsreel material. Hamilton, Bermuda. LS American warship - the Cruiser “Canberra“. LS Quayside from Cruiser. Various shots of sailors on deck, lowering the anchor and raising the US flag. LS Launch. MS Launch pulling alongside shore, carrying President Dwight D Eisenhower. LS President Eisenhower climbing onto shore from launch, and being greeted by Governor of Bermuda Sir John Woodall. GV Crowd on quayside. MS Ike greeting British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan. LS Eisenhower inspecting Guard of Honour of the Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry. MS President Eisenhower speaking (natural sound). MS President getting into his limousine. Various shots of Eisenhower, Macmillan, American Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and British Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd at meeting. CU Photographers. MS Meeting. (F.G.) Old record suggests material may date from around 01/03/1957. F
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