Healing Prayer Based on All Healing Bible Verses/ LEAVE THIS PLAYING While Meditating on The Verses.

Healing Prayer Based on All Healing Bible Verses is a powerful Healing Prayer we have put together specially for those needing of healing for yourself or your loved ones, be it at home or in the hospital. The Bible says, so then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Romans 10:17). So, let the healing scripture soak into the dept of the spirit and soul of the hearer.... God will then manifest the healing into his or her body by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Just keep the prayer playing 24/7 on the bedside of the loved once. Our God still heals - His name Jesus Christ, and there is no Healer like Him, for by His stripes we are healed... Hallelujah! This prayer was put together based on all effective healing verses in the Bible. Because God does nothing without His Word. His Word is the Tools the Holy Spirit uses to heal us. Confess His Word about healing, Meditate on each Healing verse... And God will move to touch you and heal you miraculously, in Jesus'
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