Salvation, Forgiveness , Eternal Life, Heaven. What does it all mean?

Walk with me through the scriptures and learn what is meant by: Salvation, Forgiveness, Eternal Life & Heaven. Have you ever wondered if a person can really KNOW for sure they are going to Heaven? Have you ever wanted to know what it means to be forgiven by God? When a Christian asks’, “are you SAVED“ what do they mean? SCRIPTURES: Matthew 7:14 ~ The Narrow Gate Romans 3:23 ~ All have sinned John 3:16 ~ God so loved the world John 14: 1-6 ~ I Am the Way, the truth and the Life .... 2 Corinthians 5:14-21 ~ We become the righteousness of God in Christ Galatians 2:19-21 ~ We cannot earn or do enough good to be forgiven by God. Ephesians 2: 8 & 9 ~ Grace alone provides for our forgiveness & eternal life.
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