Two moon rapture dream🌙🌝

Filmed this Nov 19th and just getting to upload it now. correction to the video ( I just record these with my phone and have no idea how to edit videos lol) I said my son is into astrology, I know people may freak out, don’t worry I meant astronomy. He loves learning about the planets and space don’t worry we are not into zodiac signs. Forgive me I was still pretty out of it filming this after a week of sickness. I wanted to leave a prayer of repentance at the end because that’s what I feel like the message the Lord was giving me at the end of the dream when there was no time left was to get on my knees and to pray and repent. Which I went on for too long and then ended the video forgetting to do so 🤦🏻‍♀️ Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you as a sinner in need of a savior. I know that I fall short, that I have gone complacent at times, that I let the distractions of this world get my focus off you. I know my eyes should be fixed on what’s eternal and not on what’s temporary down here, for this world is passing away and everyday there are souls dying without knowing you. Please forgive me for starting to slumber. Please help burn that urgency within my heart again because we know that the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night and I want to finish this race off well and live everyday as if your coming now. Thank you for your abounding grace, for your reminders, and your confirmations that you are still coming and coming soon. Please help me to walk and live each day out for you. Please guide me with your Holy Spirit I repent and turn to you. Thank you for each person watching for your return, anxiously and excitingly anticipating your return may you be with them protect them, guide them, and provide for them as we wait together as a bride awaiting her groom. May we encourage one another as we see the day approaching. And I Pray for anyone reading this who does not know you that they may realize they too need a savior and accept that you sent your son Jesus to die for our sins and recieve salvation. Thank you for every brother and sister in Christ I have met through this platform who have reached out to me, prayed with me, and even rejoiced and wept with me. I pray you bless them just as much as they have blessed me. Pray this all in your holy name. Amen 🙏🏼 I know I am so rarely on here, but if anyone wants or needs to reach out to me for any reason be it for prayer or just needing another believer to lock arms with please feel free to reach me on either Instagram or Facebook God bless 🤍 Instagram- @vanessasmart08
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