Beijing urges Japan to ‘reflect on history of aggression and commit to path of peaceful development’

Beijing Youth Daily: The Japanese government decided to lift the ban on the export of next-generation fighter jets set to be jointly developed with Britain and Italy at a Cabinet meeting and revised the implementation guidelines of Three Principles on Transfer of Defense Equipment and Technology at the national security conference. Some say that the revision of the implementation guidelines removes the bottleneck of Japan’s ban on destruction weapons exports that was implemented for over 70 years after the end of World War II. It also facilitates Japan’s future direct exports of warships, subm...arines and other advanced military equipment to a third country. What’s your comment?  Lin Jian: China noted relevant reports and expresses grave concern over the decision. Given Japan’s not-too-distant history of militarist aggression, Japan’s military and security moves are closely watched by its Asian neighbors and the international community. In recent years, Japan has been drastically readjusting its security policy, increasing defense spending year after year, relaxing restrictions on arms export and seeking military breakthroughs. These moves trigger serious concerns among Japan’s neighboring countries and the international community. We urge Japan to earnestly respect the security concerns of neighboring countries, deeply reflect on its history of aggression, commit itself to the path of peaceful development and earn the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community through concrete actions. __________________ ShanghaiEye focuses on producing top-quality contents. Nobody knows SHANGHAI better than us. Please subscribe to us ☻☻☻ __________________ For more stories, please click ■ What’s up today in Shanghai, the most updated news of the city ■ Amazing Shanghai, exploring the unknown corners of the city, learning the people, food and stories behind them ■ What Chinese people’s lives are like during the post COVID-19 period ■ Views of foreign scholars on China and its affairs ■ Foreign faces in Shanghai, people living in this city sharing their true feelings ■ Mini-docs showing why China is the country it is today __________________ ☎Leave us messages if you have any suggestions or questions! Thank you!
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